I don’t post much on the weekends but I have something super exciting and special for you today!
That’s right! It’s related to Marie Rutkoski’s The Winner’s Kiss!! Oh man. I am so excited for this book. And the cover that was revealed earlier this week?!?! So pretty!!!!
I absolutely adore The Winner’s Curse and The Winner’s Crime. They were two of my favorite books I read last year. But, stars! The end of The Winner’s Crime has me begging for The Winner’s Kiss. I know I’m not the only one!
Marie and the lovely folks at Macmillan know this too! They have decided to tease bless us with the first few lines from The Winner’s Kiss!! Each blog on this tour is revealing one line. So far there have been four stops and there’s one more after me. Check out the full schedule:
Tuesday, May 12th – Cuddlebuggery
Wednesday, May 13th – Love is Not a Triangle
Thursday, May 14th – The Book Rat
Friday, May 15th – Supernatural Snark
Saturday, May 16th – YA Bibliophile
Sunday, May 17th – Forever YA
Without any further ado, the fifth line in The Winner’s Kiss is:
He surrendered himself to his god, who smiled and came close.
Gah!!! It’s just one line yet it’s somehow freaking awesome, even out of context! I cannot wait to see what the next and final (for the time being) one is! Very few book series/authors could have me this excited over only six lines. I just love these books so very much.
Thanks to the lovely people at Macmillan I have a hardcover copy of The Winner’s Crime for one lucky person. If you haven’t read these books you really need to get on it!
That’s a creepily awesome line!
OH MY GOD why is Marie Rutkoski so freaking awesome?!?! Its just not fair. It just isn’t. These lines… Its like so beautiful and then torture at the same time. (Kind of like The Winner’s Crime)
Cassie H
If that doesn’t get you hooked, what will?
WOW! That is so cool!
I think you have the best line yet! Another had mentioned the God of Death, so this is very creepy.
So is March here yet or…
No seriously these lines are killing me
Susan T.
I haven’t started this series yet but am dying to get into it! So are the gods just walking around? I’m intrigued!
I am currently reading winners curse and i am loving it!
Can’t wait to read The Winner’s Kiss. I love this series.
Cookie Monster
This line has just made the previous ones so much more sinister!! He surrenders himself to his god? The god of death? That does not sound good…
Lizzie the Sarcastic Blonde
This line and the previous just sound so dark and creepy! It makes me so excited for the sequel and makes me hope that there’s a happy ending! Pretty please!?
Amazing! I need this book in my life ASAP!
never read it; looks okay
Sui generis
Oh my gosh! The line gives off too much feels! I can’t to read the whole book! Aaaaahhh!
Email: felicidad11tan@gmail.com
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Who knew that one little line could make me so interested in a book?!
Lasha Rudder
Oh my oreos!! I am jumping with joy about this line. It is amazing and awesome in every way. It means everything and all at once, I am daydreaming about the day when the Winner’s Kiss comes out in bookstores and I will get a chance to dive into reading this book with a bowl of yummy cookies and creme ice cream topped with sprinkles!!
Michelle Lee
OMG I wonder what that line is all about! I hope he’s not meeting his death or anything like that! AHHHHHH
Thank you for this amazing chance! 🙂
Roa'a Hamed
That line is sooo creepy~ I feel like it’s maybe another hallucination? SPOILER FOR BOOK 2 Arin kept imagining Kestrel and vice versa, so maybe he’s injured and is imagining things? I’M SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK.
Linda Henderson
Great line. I haven’t read anything by this author but I would love to.