The Vampire Stalker Tour Stop – Author Interview

June 3, 2011 Uncategorized 1

I’m pleased to welcome Allison van Diepen to YA Bibliophile as part of her blog tour for The Vampire Stalker. This interview is a little different in that all answers have to be “twitter-sized” (140 characters!)

Thanks for stopping by today! To start us off would you please give us a description of
the story?

Amy adores Alexander Banks from the popular Otherworld books. She doesn’t know
he’s real until he comes to her world. But so does Vigo, the vampire he’s sworn to kill.

How would you describe Amy in a nutshell?

Amy is a book-loving teen who loves writing fan fiction and hanging with her BFFs.
She’s a dreamer who often prefers books to real life.

What makes Alexander so appealing to Amy?

She adores him for being so fearless, determined, and heroic.

What would you do if your favorite bookish character came to life?

Die happy. 🙂

What is a typical day like when you’re working on a book?

My biggest challenge is finding a couple of hours to write—the writing time usually ends
abruptly when my son wakes up.

When deciding to read a book what do you look for?

I read a variety of genres. Dark, romantic, funny—I just need to be drawn in quickly. I
like books that are vivid and intense.

If you could travel anywhere all expenses paid where would you go?

Some remote island with white sandy beaches, aquamarine water, and a hut on the beach.

What kinds of things do you enjoy when you’re not working?

The simplest things. Chatting with family. Going out to eat with friends. Anything social
and away from the computer.

What’s the best part of your job as a writer?

It’s seeing a story through the eyes of my characters and living their adventures with
them. And it’s sharing that experience with my readers.

Thanks again to Allison for stopping by! Be sure to check out The Vampire Stalker and the other stops on the blog tour

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