Top Ten Tuesday

October 20, 2010 Top Ten Tuesday 5

So, I know this is a day late but I just couldn’t do it yesterday and I REALLY love the topic 🙂

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

This weeks topic: Top Ten Fictional Crushes

I am sticking to characters from books. If I didn’t there would be too many! Who am I kidding? There are STILL too many!!

1. Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice

1. Gilbert Blythe from Anne of Green Gables
I just can’t decide between these two! I love them equally! I tried, I really did. Every time I thought I had made a choice I would remember something else about the other and I’d flip flop. Finally, I gave up. They’re both number one! They’re both smart, handsome men who go after what they want. They’re not perfect but they make up for it 😉

3. Seth from Wicked Lovely
***dreamy sigh*** I really like Seth. There is just something about him that is SO sexy. Maybe it’s the way he plays with his lip ring…. or even that he HAS a lip ring. I think I reread that scene an obscene number of times! Clearly he is VERY different from Gil and Darcy. Maybe that’s part of the attraction!

NOTE: The rest of the guys on my list aren’t really in any order. The could all be number four!!!

4. Jace Wayland from The Mortal Instruments
He has that whole gorgeous, aloof, conflicted thing going on. How can you not crush on that? Also, he’s tough; he makes me feel safe and he’s so good to those he cares about.

5. Alex Fuentes from Perfect Chemistry
I love the way he grows throughout the book. He’s dedicated to his family and wants to protect them. Although perhaps a bit misguided at first, the boy has integrity! Bonus…. so incredibly hot!

6. Nick from The Demon’s Lexicon
I know, I know… he’s a demon. I can’t help it. There’s just something about him. I mean, obviously there’s the fact that he’s beautiful. Aside from that… he’s trying and that has to count for something. The fact that he can’t lie could be a good or bad thing (Does this dress make me look fat? LIE LIE LIE to me!!!) I really think it’s Sarah Rees Brennan’s beautiful writing style that makes me love him so!

7. Tristran from Stardust
He’s awkward and shy but I just adore that about him. Plus, the man is willing to journey to a forbidden land to bring back a token for the girl he thinks he loves. Now, the fact that he thinks he loves her shows a wee lack of discernment but we can forgive him because he is young and he learns from his mistake. He certainly becomes a dashing hero in the end!

8. Hale from Heist Society
Hmmmm, I’m learning that I have a bit of a thing for arrogant men! Darcy, Jace, Alex, Nick and now Hale… who knew? He just kinda got to me. I listened to the audiobook. The way the narrator read his character may have a lot to do with it.

9. Peeta Mellark from The Hunger Games
Originally I had him WAY higher. Then I realized, yes, I do have a crush on him but I like him WAY more for Katniss than for me. I mean, he’s the boy with the bread. The one who will do anything to protect her. That is totally crushworthy!

10. Ren from Nightshade

Oh Ren, you alpha male you! Again with me and the arrogant boys! I really, really want this boy to have it all. He could be a real jerk. I’m not saying he’s sugar and sweetness…. that is certainly not true! Still, he is good to Calla and both of their packs when he could be WAY more domineering. He’s definitely the alpha male but he considers the others too. You have to respect that!! Calla can have Shay!!

There were still a few boys I just couldn’t see leaving off! I feel like as I read more about them (examples: Lend and Will) They will be bumping some boys out of the top 10. I just haven’t seen enough of them yet!
Honorable Mentions:
Michael Moscovitz from The Princess Diaries
Lend from Paranormalcy
Will from Firelight
Cole from The Wolves of Mercy Falls
Po from Graceling
Eric Northman from Sookie Stackhouse books

5 Responses to “Top Ten Tuesday”

  1. Jamie

    I wish I had gotten on board with this one!

    I’m with you on Jace (yum) and Peeta (yum)…and I love that you mentioned Lend!

  2. Jamie

    I’m right there with you with Peeta and Darcy! YUMMY!

    Thanks for participating!

    -Jamie from The Broke and the Bookish and the Perpetual Page-Turner

  3. GMR

    Totally there with you on Seth and Tristan…the others, undecided (some I’ve read, others not). Gotta love fun bookish posts like this. Happy reading!

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