Category: Uncategorized

#ReadISLA Week 6 + giveaway!

#ReadISLA Week 6 + giveaway!

  You guys! I can hardly believe we’re on week six of the #ReadISLA campaign. Do you know what this means?!?! Isla and the Happily Ever After comes out in less than two weeks!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Cue all of the excitement! I simply cannot wait for you all to read it. No joke… I’ve read the whole… Read more »


#ReadISLA Week 5

#ReadISLA Week 5

  Oh man. It’s week five of the #ReadISLA campaign and things just got real! We’ve seen a sneak peek of Isla and the Happily Ever After and revisited both Anna and the French Kiss and Lola and the Boy Next Door. Now, the lovely people running the campaign over at Penguin Teen have turned up the heat!… Read more »


Homeroom Diaries Giveaway

Homeroom Diaries Giveaway

Wow! Can you believe July is almost over already?!?!? I certainly can’t! Summer is flying by and it’s almost time to head back to school. What better way to prepare than reading the Homeroom Diaries by James Patterson and Lisa Papademetriou?!? Here’s a bit more about the book and author. Plus, a giveaway!!! About the Book: In… Read more »


Blog Tour: Dissonance Excerpt

Blog Tour: Dissonance Excerpt

Welcome to the next stop on the excerpt blog tour for Erica O’Rourke’s Dissonance! As you can probably tell, each blog is sharing an excerpt from the book. Head over to Oh, The Books! for the first excerpt. Each blog will post a link to the next stop so you can follow along! Before I share the… Read more »


Bookish Vacations: Boston Area

Bookish Vacations: Boston Area

If you’re reading this you already know I love books and bookish things. What you might not know is that I also love to travel and see new places/learn new things. A former co-worker (now retired) and I combine these two loves and take a bookish vacation every couple of years. Our first trip was… Read more »



So, I’ve been wanting to move my blog over to WordPress for some time now but have simply been too chicken! Enter Book Host, a new WordPress host specifically for book bloggers! It’s run by Ashley. You may know her from her book blog Nose Graze or as the creator of the Ultimate Book Blogger Plugin! She knows what’s… Read more »



…. I’m a middle school librarian. I’ve started a new program at my school called Red Wings Read (we’re the Red Wings!) Each year I’ll feature a book with students and staff all year long. The amount of awesome YA books out there can be daunting. I wanted to narrow it down to just one… Read more »


Divergent Movie Recap

Divergent Movie Recap

First things first… Anna and Tara both have really great recaps on their blogs so go check those out! How I got to go: A couple of weeks ago I happened to be on twitter at the right time! I clicked a tweet about a Divergent screening in Chicago and got free tickets! Of course when… Read more »



Bout of Books 9.0

Bout of Books 9.0

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 6th and runs through Sunday, January 12th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition… Read more »
