Posts By: Heidi

April YA I’m Excited For

April YA I’m Excited For

Oh my goodness. There are so many books that have come out/will come out in April that I am so excited to check out. I thought I would share some of them here. I have had no reading time lately so I am dying to get to these. They are arranged by release date and link to… Read more »





My Thoughts: Yes, I am oh so very late to the game with this one. I know there are many, many, many reviews out there. You probably know all about it. Maybe you’ve even seen the movie. But I couldn’t NOT talk about this one! I adored it oh so very much. First and foremost…… Read more »




Courting Darkness

Courting Darkness

My Thoughts: I am totally in love with the original His Fair Assassins trilogy. (Grave Mercy – Dark Triumph – Mortal Heart) When the Courting Darkness duology was announced I may have had a minor (read: MAJOR) freakout! I could not wait to be back in the world LaFevers crafted. I was a little nervous that I would… Read more »


The Way You Make Me Feel

The Way You Make Me Feel

My Thoughts: I read and adored this one last Spring. I was even on the blog tour. I cannot believe that I never reviewed it! Ugh. Slacker. Here’s an example of how much I love this one: I immediately hugged it to my chest upon finishing it. I then put it in my bag to… Read more »


The Last Kids on Earth

The Last Kids on Earth

My Thoughts: This is another book I read because my students recommended it. They are obsessed with this series and I can totally see why! The Last Kids on Earth by Max Brailler is just so much fun. I expected to find it cute, but mostly read it to humor my students. I was surprised by… Read more »



Famous in a Small Town

Famous in a Small Town

My Thoughts: This might be my new favorite Emma Mills book. Which is saying a lot because I really loved This Adventure Ends. And Foolish Hearts. And First & Then. So, yeah. All of her books. 🙂 I adored the small town setting in Famous in a Small Town. As someone who grew up in a somewhat small town in Wisconsin there was… Read more »
