John Green Week: Giving Back and Giving Away

January 4, 2012 Uncategorized 0

It’s day two of John Green Week! ***happy dance*** Can you tell that I am SO hyped to be promoting John Green and his books?!? I so much love his writing and vlogs (Hank is pretty awesome too!) I want to take today to focus on one of my favorite aspects of the Vlogbrothers and Nerdfighteria… the community. More specifically the ways in which Nerdfighters everywhere are working to decrease world suck. I appreciate the fact that John, Hank, and their fellow Nerdfighters don’t just talk about making the world better. They come up with ideas to enact change and carry them through. Whenever I think of Nerdfighters this quotation comes to mind:

John has a video that explains one way Nerdfighters do this… through The Bank of Nerdfighteria. 
These are just two super easy ways to decrease world suck! That’s the “giving back” portion of this post… on to the “giving away!” I have signed paperback copies of An Abundance of Katherines, Paper Towns, and Will Grayson, Will Grayson as well as a signed chapter sampler of The Fault in Out Stars for one lucky winner! The contest is open internationally. You must be 13 or older to enter. There is one free entry and you can earn extra entries by giving back! More info in the rafflecopter widget. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here are some examples of screenshots that I’ll accept for entries (as mentioned in the rafflecopter widget)
From PayPal (DFTBA Records and Fight Worldsuck):

 (Bracelets are only $5 each. I bought 5 but you only need to purchase 1 to get the entries.)

From Kiva:
(You don’t have to make the $3.75 donation. Just help fund a loan!)

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