Dead Rules
Author: Randy Russell
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication Date: June 21, 2011
Pages: 384
Source: ARC tour
About the Book:
Till death
My Thoughts: It took me a bit to get in to this book but I stuck with it. Overall it was an enjoyable read. I was confused in the beginning but so is Jana (the main character.) She is trying to figure out where she is. We as the readers know that she is dead but she’s still coming to that conclusion. I was confused by some of the terms but as Jana figures things out so does the reader. In a way it was nice because we get to know the characters as she does. Throughout the story there are glimpses in to the past of many of the Dead School students. I really enjoyed this. We also jump from “dead” to “alive” in Jana’s story. This was nice because we get some of Jana’s history as well as more information about what is going on now that she is gone.
I really enjoyed the “other” characters (read: I really love Mars!) Jana got to be a bit much for me. I can see how her… ummm…. affection could be stifling! The story was fresh and creative. If you are looking for a different take on ghost/zombie/dead but not really stories you should give this one a try!
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