Harry Potter help!

April 1, 2013 Uncategorized 0

So, at the school where I work we have a 20 minute advisory period every day. Each month we focus on a character trait and complete activities and discussions that enforce that trait. Twice a year we take a month and offer fun “courses” the students can sign up for. There are a number of different courses offered… from pintrest projects to dodgeball and everything in between. 

This year a coworker and I want to offer a Harry Potter related course. We want to do ALL THINGS HARRY POTTER!!! Book versus movie discussions, butterbeer making, trivia contests, and more. This is where you come in! We need your help! What are some fun activities/games/projects/etc… that are Harry Potter related? We’re working with 12 to 14 year olds. Are there any websites out there? We’ll be showing them pottermore for sure. Basically I would love any ideas! Leave them in the comments and I will love you forever. THANK YOU! 

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