Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Publisher: Egmont
Publication Date: Jan. 22, 2013
Pages: 393
Source: ARC for review
About the Book: There are people in this world who are Nobody. No one sees them. No one notices them. They live their lives under the radar, forgotten as soon as you turn away.
That’s why they make the perfect assassins.
The Institute finds these people when they’re young and takes them away for training. But an untrained Nobody is a threat to their organization. And threats must be eliminated.
Sixteen-year-old Claire has been invisible her whole life, missed by the Institute’s monitoring. But now they’ve ID’ed her and send seventeen-year-old Nix to remove her. Yet the moment he lays eyes on her, he can’t make the hit. It’s as if Claire and Nix are the only people in the world for each other. And they are—because no one else ever notices them.
My Thoughts: This book continues the streak of me loving every book I’ve read by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I love her writing style and the way she works her background in and knowledge of science into her stories. Granted, it might not be “real” science (as far as I know “nobodies” don’t exist!) but the way it’s presented makes and explained makes it seem real. I love that!
Here are a few quick things I loved:
* There is an Anne of Green Gables reference within the first ten pages. LOVE Anne!
* The whole idea of “nobodies” who can’t influence anyone and “nulls” who aren’t influenced by anyone… such a cool idea!
* Um, assassins. Need I say more?
*The voice of the characters, especially Nix. I loved his speech pattern and found the way he catalogued events so interesting. As a nobody he is the ultimate observer. Heis so used to not being the recipient of any action that he would note the things Claire was doing as if he wasn’t involved at all.
*The whole premis of the story! Two people who have always gone unseen finding one another and being “someone” for the first time.
If you’ve never read anything by Jennifer Lynn Barnes I really recommend that you do! She is such a great storyteller!
Giveaway: Winner receives a hardcover of Nobody and a paperback of Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. (My review here.) US and Canada only. Must be 13 or older to win.
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