The fabulous Anna from Anna Reads is celebrating the upcoming release of Cassandra Clare’s City of Fallen Angels by featuring Cassandra Clare related content on her blog all week. As a fellow Cassandra Clare fangirl… errr, I mean reader I just had to join in! I reviewed Clockwork Angel last December and couldn’t stop gushing about the awesomeness. I thought I’d do a little something different today. I know that Clare has a very dedicated fan base. They love to share their Mortal Instruments/Infernal Devices support so I’ve put together a “Shopping guide” of sorts. It’s just for fun… some of my favorite things I’ve come across that are Shadowhunter related ๐
Shadow Hunter Shopping Guide
This is my FAVORITE item that I’ve found. It was on my Christmas list ๐
If you’re a TMI or ID fan you HAVE to check out hebelmet’s shop on Etsy. So many gorgeous designs!
I loved this image of Clary and Simon. This user has a number of other Cassandra Clare related items on Cafepress
This one is for all of you who wish you could be there!
“Angelic” wings messenger bag
I love this image of the ruin for angelic with those beautiful wings!
Love Ruin Beach Tote
This bag features Will, Tessa, and Jem with the ruin for love behind their images. Here’s a close up of the art:
It also looks really great on tee shirts!
These are two of my favorite lines from Clockwork Angel. They make such fun shirts ๐
from Amazon
A quick and cheap way to get yourself some temporary ruinmarks! There are kits with black ink as well but their pictures were a bit more scandalous!
Those are just a few of my favorite items. I’m sure there are many, many more! How do YOU show your TMI or ID love?
HAAAA what a fun idea. Thanks for joining in the “festivities!”
You should know that “black henna” uses a substance called PPD, which can cause severe allergic reactions on skin. If you don’t have a strong gag reflex, type ‘black henna’ into google images; you’ll see what I mean. Henna’s a lot of fun, but warn your readers that it’s best to stick with the non-toxic red-brown kind. ๐
WOW this is awesome!!:)
Those are great. I have the clockwork angel pendant – and several other things from the store! Keep checking all the time for new stuff.
Jasmine (The Reading Housewives)
These are so cool! I must check out that Etsy shop ASAP! ๐
Lucia (iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books)
I love the jewelry! Would definitely love some. ๐
Jacinda (The Reading Housewives)
I <3 the Clockwork Angel pendent!!! ๐
I have the Fearless Heart(Gorgeous), and a tattoo with the rune for stamina! Love all the books.