In My Mailbox (12)

January 29, 2011 Uncategorized 9

In My Mailbox
In my Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. The idea of In My Mailbox is to bring books to the attention of blog readers and to encourage interaction with other blogs.
Book titles link to goodreads. Author names link to their website/blog.

Keep in mind that I was ill when I made this and just too exhausted to redo it. 😉
Last Sacrifice by Richelle Mead

Also, Jan. 31 is the LAST DAY to enter to win one of six prize packs I’m giving away. See this blog post to enter.  

9 Responses to “In My Mailbox (12)”

  1. Shannon the BookStalker

    Hi, I follow you on twitter and now I’m a new blog follower too! I loved that you brought up Dr. Who, I love that show and I had a hard getting into Mansfield Park for the same reason! I’m reading the Iron Fey Series right now and I love it! Enjoy all your books and feel better soon!

  2. Jenny

    Oh yay! I love Castle. Nathan Fillion is so awesome. I hope you feel better! I usually fail at the forcing myself to finish my tea thing. 😐

  3. Chelsmac91

    Looks like you got a good mailbox! I love Dr. Who so I probably would have thought the same thing all the way through too. I hope your feeling better to have Happy Reading!

    Chelsea @ Rand0m Girl

  4. Jessica (Firefly Book Loft)

    I liked your foot tea fever vlog. Very entertaining 🙂
    But seriously, I hope you feel better soon. Being sick is no fun.
    I really really need to get the Iron Fey series to read because I hear nothing but good things about them.

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